What to do
over the
Winter Break

Guided meditation
Tips & Resources

Keep yourself inspired & uplifted
over the break

Guided Meditation Audio Downloads

Experience the daily peace that comes from establishing a regular meditation practice.

The Living Meditation Series provides a comprehensive introduction to meditation, offering guidance at all levels for developing and deepening your meditation practice. Learn meditations to relax body and mind, find inner peace, achieve mental clarity, and develop a kind and compassionate attitude towards others.

We can’t recommend these guided meditations highly enough!

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A workshop in July with a visiting teacher

Sun 21 July 10am to 1pm at Braddon

By learning how to approach challenging behaviour and situations with wisdom, we gain the confidence and skill to raise resilient young people, and bring harmony and happiness to family life.

10am – 1pm | $50 or free for Centre Members

A free breathing meditation

Listen here for a free guided breathing meditation – & bring your mind to inner peace in just 10 minutes

A free ebook

Have you got How to Transform Your Life on your phone or iPad yet? It’s free and easy to download – so you’ll have Venerable Geshe-la’s words of wisdom with you always

Treat yourself!

Book your place early for Gen Kelsang Rabten’s public talk at the NGA in October.

And why not bring a friend – they’ll love it.

Meditation at home
How to enjoy stillness at home

Tip #1

Find a comfortable spot, on a cushion, on the sofa, on the back step. Just sit, close your eyes, and breathe. There is nothing else to think about, worry about or plan.

Nothing else you need to do. Nowhere else you need to be.

Sit with yourself for a while.

Tip #2

Things are not always perfect. We can quieten the television, the kids, the teenager’s music if we can, but most of all, we can accept.

If we are interrupted with a question we can stop, and start again. If a plane flies overhead or if our doorbell rings, we can accept.

Tip #3

Allow yourself to relax, physically and mentally. Our noisy mind becomes quiet – and we stay. We do this every day and enjoy it like a treat.

Let go of all expectation. Don’t be in a rush. Noise is just normal. Disruption is normal.

Smile and let go.

Tip #4

Over time our housemates watch and learn. Our children watch and learn.

Even our pets begin to settle by our side.

We meditate alone or amidst the chaos of family life.

We find the peace inside our mind, which has been hidden all this time like a treasure.

Contact Us

Telephone 0477 044 607

Email info@meditateincanberra.org