
A Buddhist
Approach to

A workshop for every family.

Sun 21 July
10am - 1pm

Resilient Families: A Buddhist Approach to Parenting

Is it possible to be confident and relaxed as a parent – instead of feeling stressed, overwhelmed and second guessing ourself all the time?

By learning how to approach challenging behaviour and situations with wisdom, we gain the confidence and skill to raise resilient young people, and we bring harmony and happiness to our family life.

Learn simple techniques from Buddhism to keep your cool amidst the chaos of daily life.

In this workshop, Buddhist Teacher Lia Gasparro will visit Canberra from our centre in Sydney to share how we can apply the teachings on love, acceptance and inner strength to family life.

You’ll leave this workshop feeling inspired and equipped to be a calmer, kinder and happier parent, raising resilient and confident young people.

Be guided by wisdom.
Find your confidence.
Live with love and inner strength.

When & Where

Sun 21 July

10am – 1pm

Ainslie Arts Centre, 30 Elouera Street, Braddon

Free off-street parking & accessible


Hear practical Buddhist wisdom applied to modern daily life, and enjoy guided meditations & tips for inner peace. 

Home-made morning tea is provided with a half hour break. 

Seating is on chairs.



including morning tea

Free for Centre Members

Membership Info here

Book here

The Teacher

The teacher of this workshop is Lia Gasparro. Lia has taught a weekly branch class of Kadampa Meditation Centre Sydney for many years.

Lia is a working mother and has been practising meditation for over 15 years. With her natural warmth, sincerity and deep appreciation for meditation and Buddhism, Lia demonstrates the confidence that comes from applying Buddha’s teachings to our most important relationships.

Contact Us

Telephone 0477 044 607
