Resilient Families: A Buddhist Approach to Parenting

Sun 21 July 10am to 1pm at Braddon

 By learning how to approach challenging behaviour and situations with wisdom, we gain the confidence and skill to raise resilient young people, and bring harmony and happiness to family life.

10am – 1pm | $50 or free for Centre Members

Booking & Info

Weekly Classes

What’s On this week

Resilient Families Workshop

A Buddhist Approach to Parenting

Sun 21 July 10am-1pm

– weekly classes resume mid August –

What to do over the Winter Break

Events, resources and podcasts

& tips to keep you inspired

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Weekly Classes resume mid August

Weekly Classes


Resumes 13 Aug on Tuesday evenings 7pm – 8.15pm $15

17 Bent St, Turner

Click here for Class Info


Resumes 17 Aug on Saturdays 10am – 11.15am $15 

 Griffith Neighbourhood Centre, 53 Stuart St

Click here for Class Info

Weston Creek resumes 20 Aug

Resumes 20 Aug on Tuesday mornings 11am – 12pm $12

Weston Creek Community Centre, Whitney Place, Weston

Click here for Class Info

Queanbeyan resumes 17 Aug

Resumes 17 Aug on Saturdays 10am – 11am $12 

Axis Youth Centre, Cnr Campbell & Park St, Queanbeyan

Click here for Class Info

Belconnen resumes 14 Aug

Resumes 14 Aug on Wednesday lunchtimes 12.30pm – 1.15pm $12 

Belconnen Arts Centre, Emu Bank

Click here for Class Info

Red Hill resumes 15 Aug

Resumes 15 Aug on Thursdays 10am – 10.45am

at 56 Endeavour St Red Hill

Click here for Class Info

Weekend Events

Mental Detox: Breaking Bad Habits

Sun 25 August 10am to 1pm at Braddon

 At this workshop, Resident Teacher Kelsang Dana will explain where our bad mental habits come from, and how we can replace them with constructive habits of mind that lead us into a greater happiness.

10am – 1pm | $50 or free for Centre Members

Booking & Info

A very Special Event in October

A Public Talk at the National Gallery of Australia

with internationally-renowned teacher Gen Kelsang Rabten

Saturday 12 October 11am to 12.30pm  

  Don’t miss this morning of inspiration and clear wisdom. Suitable for everybody

Booking & Info

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