
In-Depth Class
Monday Nights

Grow your knowledge.
Deepen your wisdom.
Build the foundation for true happiness.

Everyone is welcome to a free Info Night on Monday 3 Feb.

6.30 – 8.30pm at 56 Endeavour St Red Hill

Let us know you’re coming.

Joining FP is when we really start to make progress.

The purpose of Foundation Program (FP) is to provide a systematic presentation of Buddha’s teachings, so that we can deepen our knowledge and experience of wisdom.

FP is studying the text The New Eight Steps to Happiness by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. Through studying and practising the instructions in this book we can transform all life’s difficulties into valuable spiritual insights, and make every moment of our life meaningful.

FP is an enrolled study program. Each student makes a commitment to:

  • attend all the classes – unless you’re unable to
  • sit for an exam at the end of the section.

This is not at all like an ordinary exam – we don’t need to feel pressured. We sit the exam for ourself only. This commitment helps us to gain all the benefits that will come from studying Buddha’s teachings.

Every fourth class is a group discussion where you can raise & discuss questions from the book to clarify your understanding.

When & Where

Mondays 6.30-8.30pm

at our Centre in Red Hill

Free FP Info Night on Mon 3 Feb: email


Each class consists of:

  • prayers sung in English
  • a guided meditation
  • an in-depth teaching
  • paired discussion.


To enrol in FP:  join our Centre as a Member.

For $100 per month, you have access to all weekly classes, workshops and Canberra retreats for no additional cost.

More about Foundation Program

Through regular teachings and meditation, systematic study, and group discussion, Foundation Program offers the same training followed by spiritual practitioners in an unbroken lineage dating back to Buddha Shakyamuni.

In this way we can gain authentic experience of Dharma while still maintaining our contemporary lifestyle.

By studying on this program we gain great confidence in meditation – from basic techniques for overcoming our everyday problems to practices leading to unsurpassed happiness and permanent inner peace.

Warm friendships develop as students inspire each other, sharing insights and experiences of the spiritual path.

Red Hill retreat
Dana- image-bio-853x1024

The Teacher

 Kelsang Dana, our Resident Teacher, teaches Foundation Program at Bodhisattva Kadampa Buddhist Centre. Dana has been teaching meditation and Buddhism for over 10 years. Her love of Venerable Geshe-la’s texts shines through these classes. The classes have a spirit of openness and practicality which inspires students to apply wisdom to their life and build the true foundation of happiness within their own minds.

Contact Us

Telephone 0477 044 607
