Sat 12
& Sun 13 Apr
A powerful method to purify.
Nyungnay is one of our most precious Kadampa Dharma jewels and as a centre practice it comes around just once a year – to celebrate Buddha’s Enlightenment Day.
We can spend two days with thousand-armed (eleven-faced) Avalokiteshvara – ‘Mahakaruna’ – the nature of our Guru’s great compassion, making exquisite offerings, praises and prostrations and thereby accumulate huge merit, purify vast negativity for ourself and others. We receive the most powerful blessings to propel ourself swiftly along our path to enlightenment.
Wrapped within the practice of Mahayana Precepts, it involves fasting and making prostrations, with the sadhana ‘Drop of Essential Nectar‘, over two days.
Usually the second day is accompanied by a full fast (nil by mouth). While recommended, this is not compulsory. Everyone is welcome to join us for this special retreat.
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It’s important to make sure you have all the info you need to enjoy this retreat:
Please let Kelsang Dana know if you intend to come, or if you have any questions about this Retreat – you can chat after class, or email rt@meditateincanberra.org
When & Where
Sat 12 & Sun 13 Apr
You can do either day or both, but you must do the whole day from 7am
Each day starts at 7am – doors open 6.45am
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at our residential centre at 56 Endeavour St Red Hill
Please arrive 10 minutes early
Each day starts at 7am – doors open 6.45am
Saturday sessions at: 7am-7.30am | 7.45am-9am | 3pm-4.15pm | 5pm-6.30pm (plus class at 10am & Heart Jewel at 2pm for those staying the day – you’re welcome to bring your lunch)
Sunday sessions at: 7am-7.30am | 7.45am-9am | 10am-11.15pm | 3pm-4.30pm (plus Heart Jewel at 2pm for those staying the day)
There is no cost
for these
retreat sessions.

Contact Us
Telephone 0477 044 607
Email info@meditateincanberra.org