Medicine Buddha
Empowerment & Retreat
An empowerment bestows upon us special blessings that heal our mental continuum and awaken our Buddha nature.
- Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
Everyone is welcome to attend this special event at Bodhisattva Kadampa Buddhist Centre.
Saturday 29 March: Blessing Empowerment & Teaching
Sunday 30 March: Guided Meditation Sessions with Medicine Buddha Prayers
Feel a real connection with Medicine Buddha, and receive his pure blissful blessings at the depths of your mind.
Medicine Buddha is the embodiment of the healing power of all enlightened beings. His function is to liberate living beings from outer and inner sickness. At this special event, Kelsang Dana will grant the Empowerment of Medicine Buddha and give commentary to the Medicine Buddha Sadhana practice.
Everyone is welcome – from beginners to experienced meditators.
What is an empowerment?
An empowerment is a blissful guided meditation where we receive Buddha’s inspiring blessings. The teacher who is granting the empowerment prepares by doing a focused retreat to make a strong connection with a particular Buddha, then uses that connection to form a bridge between Buddha and everyone receiving the empowerment.
The enlightened mind is like a boundless deep ocean, every drop of which has the power to bring inner peace to living beings. Receiving an empowerment is a means of connecting with this expansive potential inside our own mind, giving us the energy and wisdom to begin to realise our own Buddha nature.
This event is suitable for anyone wanting to draw closer to Buddha and their spiritual potential. The ceremony itself lasts about 2 hours, with some prayers and rituals, and the teacher explains what is happening so everyone can follow.
Sat 29 Mar
10am: Empowerment
12pm: Lunch is served
1.30pm: Teaching
3.30pm: Q&A over afternoon tea
Cost: $80 including lunch
Members: free + $10 for lunch
Sun 30 Mar
10am: Guided Meditation & Prayers
11am: Morning tea
11.30am: Guided Meditation & Prayers
12.30pm: Lunch is served $10
1.30pm: Guided Meditation & Prayers
Cost: non Members $12 per session
How to Book
At Bodhisattva Kadampa Buddhist Centre at 56 Endeavour St, Red Hill
Seating is on chairs
Cost includes morning tea & lunch

The Teacher
Buddhist nun Kelsang Dana will guide this retreat. Dana is the Resident Teacher of Bodhisattva Kadampa Buddhist Centre and has been teaching Buddhist meditation for over 12 years. Through her joyful and loving aspect, she is able to communicate the essential points of meditation and Buddhism in a practical way that makes people feel confident, uplifted and encouraged.

Contact Us
Telephone 0477 044 607